Privacy Policy

Privacy and Data Protection Policy


This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data carried out by Core Investments.

On the Core Investments Websites you may find links to other websites that are not related to Core Investments. The provision of such links is made in good faith, and Core Investments cannot be held responsible for the collection and processing of personal data carried out on these websites, nor be held responsible for the accuracy, credibility and functionality of websites belonging to third parties.



Protecting the privacy and personal data of all people who in any way interact with us (clients, service users, employees, partners and others) constitutes a fundamental commitment of Core Investments.

Personal data is essential for the development of Core Investments’ activity, namely for:

the offering and marketing of its products and services,
for the provision, monitoring and improvement of the quality of services available,
for the management of its human resources,
to comply with legal obligations.

Our commitment is to work day in and day out to ensure the best levels of protection of privacy and personal data, respecting legislation and all national and European regulations and guidelines applicable to their processing.

With this Declaration of Commitment, we want to make clear and explicit our commitment to privacy, security and data protection, ensuring that everyone who processes personal data within the scope of the relationship they establish with Core Investments subscribes and acts in accordance with the principles that underlie it.


Personal data

When we refer to personal data, we refer to any information, of any nature and regardless of its support, including sound and image, relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

A person who can be identified directly or indirectly, namely by reference to an identification number or to one or more specific elements of their physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity, is considered identifiable.

Core Investments, within the scope of its activity, is limited to collecting personal information that is provided voluntarily, and is only used for the purposes for which it is intended.

Principles relating to the collection and processing of personal data and rights of holders of personal data

The processing of personal data carried out by Core Investments obeys the following fundamental principles:

  • Principle of lawfulness

Personal data will be processed if and to the extent that at least one of the conditions set out for lawfulness is met, namely (i) when consent is provided by the data subject or when the processing is necessary for (ii) the execution and management of a contract, (iii) the fulfillment of a legal obligation, or (iv) the pursuit of a legitimate interest of Core Investments or a third party.

  • Purpose/good faith principle

Personal data will be processed exclusively for the purposes determining its collection and will only be processed for different purposes when legally permitted and upon provision of information to the respective holder.

  • Principle of transparency

Data subjects will be informed in a clear and concise manner about the relevant aspects related to the processing of their personal data, namely the respective processing purposes and possible transmission to third parties.

  • Principle of proportionality and limitation of conservation

Only employees and partners whose respective functions require it will have access to personal data processed by Core Investments.

  • Principle of confidentiality, integrity and availability

Personal data will be processed in a manner that ensures its security, namely (i) protect against unauthorized or unlawful access or disclosure, (ii) protect against unauthorized or accidental modification, loss or destruction and (iii) ensure that the Data is available when necessary and permitted, and without undue delay.

  • Principle of data protection by design and by default

Core Investments‘ products and services, its support systems and its internal procedures will be developed with the concern to protect privacy and personal data.


Personal data security

Core Investments respects best practices in the field of security and protection of information and personal data, having adopted a demanding program of policies and standards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information it processes and is under its responsibility , which is known by all Core Investments employees and partners.

Core Investments‘ General Information Security Policy establishes a vast set of technical and organizational measures, organized into several security domains, including:

  • Logical security measures

such as the use of firewalls and intrusion detection systems on our servers, as well as the existence of a policy on access to information and the recording of operations (logging);

  • Other measures

such as masking, encryption, pseudonymization and anonymization of personal data and, also, a set of measures that aim to implement the principle of privacy by design and by default.

Whenever Core Investments uses subcontractors or third parties, they will be respectively responsible, in compliance with applicable legislation, for the personal data they have to transmit and will guarantee that: (i) the sharing of information and personal data complies with the legal regulations in force, (ii) the transmission is carried out securely and that (iii) subcontractors or third parties are contractually obliged to observe the duties of confidentiality and secrecy and to ensure the security of personal data, which, for this purpose, are communicated to them, and cannot use such data for any other purposes, for your own benefit or that of third parties, nor correlate them with other data that are available.



Cookies are small text files that a website, when visited by the user, places on their computer or mobile device through the internet browser. Placing cookies will help the website to recognize your device the next time the user visits it.

We use the term cookies in this policy to refer to all files that collect information in this way.

The cookies used do not collect information that identifies the user. Cookies collect generic information, namely how users arrive and use the websites or the area of ​​the country/countries through which they access the website, etc.

Cookies only retain information related to your preferences.

At any time, the user can, through their internet browser, decide to be notified about the receipt of cookies, as well as block their entry into their system.

Refusal to use cookies on the website may result in the impossibility of accessing some of its areas or receiving personalized information.

  • What are cookies for?

Cookies are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of websites, allowing faster and more efficient browsing and eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

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